Monday, May 21, 2007

Re-Institution of Bloggerisms

My mis-guided brother began to write again, and I feel compelled to do so as well. Though it is certainly good news to hear that he has re-established himself vis-a-vis blogging. It is disappointing to hear of his newly acquired bad habit of reverence towards gORE. Well no one is perfect I suppose. Lately I have been reading a lot about the global warming debate, and have been increasingly unsatisfied with the evidence. I went to a lecture by a climatologists last week, and he began discussing the the problem; immediately he was shut down by an overwhelming viciousness of an obscene crowd of immature global warming "experts" whose only argument was Al Gore's politically charged movie. It was disappointing, that I couldn't hear his side of the argument as he was constantly interrupted by these gorenite zombies. It would seem that a fair and balanced discussion about the effects of humans on environment is currently out of the question, due to the zeal of the acceptors of the Theory. Yet I will continue to dissent, ever searching for the TRUTH. Now I must prepare for the Recalcitrant Rhetoric which is surely to come.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


I have been having some very strange and bad dreams the past couple of days. I have no idea why since usually I have been a hardcore sleeper. My friend who went on a missionary trip to Australia told me about how aborigines find that dreams are very important to ones life. She said that every morning she would spend up to two hours going through every detail of her dreams and search for the deeper meaning. I have always found that to be extremely interesting. In-so-far as my own dreams I wonder about the meaning. Last night I dreamt that I had followed a girl that I have a strong affection for and told her that I loved her. She proceeded to verbally assault me and told me she hated me. Then I found out that she went to some neo-nazi school and then I was sickened and left. I kinda woke up and realized it was 3 in the morning then went back to sleep. The next part of my dream put me into some sort of Party where there were a bunch of skin heads. I realized where I was and was walking away until I noticed that they were beating up some African American guy. I ran to his aid and pushed some of the assholes (white supremacists) off of him and then they grabbed me. They then started to stab me and slash me in my back and stomach. Then they threw me into a parking lot where I was meant to die. I didnt though and managed to crawl to a hospital and barely make it out alive. I woke up again and this time it was about 6 in the morning. I fell back into an uneasy sleep this time on a cruise ship in alaska, I was with some friends and my family but I was also stalking the Skinheads who messed me up. That is about as far as I got before I completely woke up. I dont really know what these dreams mean, so it goes. I am just glad that I am awake...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Future Weapons Vikings are pleased

Over the past few weeks I have been researching a number of proposed future weaponry which the armed forces wishes to install over the next few years. It would seem each branch has a different idea of the future and are not necessarily working towards the same goal. The semi-independent future operations plans are quite amusing! I will give a short break down of my research in some areas which I found highly interesting.

Army: The main issues of new technology are:
  1. soldier 2010: soldier with liquid armour advanced artificial specter systems or biological spidersilk (comes from splicing goat and spider DNA very cool), advanced communication and tactical readout systems, has performance enhancing body suit (capable of strength assistance as well as speed enhancement). Individual bullet targeting (capable of changing direction after being fired. Enhanced weaponry with either bullpup design or standard firing with 3 types of ammunition 1. Standard 7.62x51 NATO round 2. Standard 9mm round, 3 . 20 mm rocket. All firing from same tactical weapon.

  2. Various armoured vehicles with reactive armour (Armour which has explosives underneath which when hit exploding deflecting harmful ballistics away from the vehicle). Optical camouflage (Has built in optical devices which transmit on a screen the other side of the vehicle essentials making it invisible to regular sight. As well as various communication and directional detecting equipment and communication blackout equipment. Also has various non-lethal weaponry such as targeting infrared weaponry, microwave emitters and various low wavelength emitters which either burn the skin when pointed or emits sound waves which disperse crowds.

  3. Medical evacuation equipment which is essentially the mobile operating room, robotic vehicle that goes to hostile territory picks up wounded soldier and moves him to safety all the while has surgeons operate on him with robotic arms repairing the damage immediately! (very cool)

Stay tuned for more updates as I now want a root beer and to play video games for several hours!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Philosophy: Subject of Vandal Confusion

Taking a course on political philosophy, has all the junk in it: Plato's Republic, Trial and Death of Socrates, Commie Manifesto, Machiavelli The Prince, John Locke Second Treatise of Government. All of the books are revolutionary in some sense, and inspire me to find out my own philosophy instead of prescribing to theirs. First off I don't like Platos Republic, many arguments with my teacher have left me with little answers to the questions I asked. Though the books purpose of course is to understand what justice is; taking you on a journey to an absurd city which would reminds me of Brave New World and 1984 combined, also a little Sparta as well. I reject Predestination, so that is probably the cause of my resistance. I question the point of the book, it may sound that I am crude or obtuse, but when a writers sets up an objective and goes through the process of trying to attain the objective only to trick you into thinking that they have attained the objective but really hasn't; then what was the purpose of it in the first place? Why make a world which is supposedly better then ours but is impossible to attain, and if attained would be a frightful place to live... My teacher explained that it is an idyllic world "a world that exists only in speech"(Plato). Well that is true but what is the purpose of it if it is not supposed to be strived for nor answer the question for which it was created? Oh well... Well I suppose Ill start on One Dimensional Man by Marcuse. Hopefully a more inspiring read. Maybe common sense first...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Costa Rica in January! Going to Pillage the Village

Well a few of my friends and I will be going to Costa Rica on January 4th. The surfing there is superb I hear, and I will be looking forward to lounging on the sunny beaches while all of you are going to be cold and probably snowed in! I really need a vacation to easethe suffering of my easy going life style. I am also looking forward to enjoying the extremely cheap food and drink as a 3 course meal there costs between $2-$5 and the entire trips accomidation is only costing around $165. Well to all those people who are going to be going home after Christmas (to D.C.) make me a snowman and Ill send you a postcard of the canopy tours which I am going to be going on! Suckas!!

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Modern Viking

Monday, December 05, 2005

Politically Incorrect and "stolt"(proud in viking) of it

Ahh the elusive holiday tree, the natural weed which has replaced the Christmas as our primary adornment for Christmas. It is sorely disappointing that our society has fallen enough to change the tradition which it was founded upon. It seems that today the idea of tolerance is having adverse consequences. With the extreme minority dictating its values on the majority, the only real outcome is exasperation of the majority. I do not know one person who is offended by a pine tree covered with lights and accoutrements being called a "Christmas Tree". It is the same thing as calling a menorah a candle stick holder, or the Ka'bah a giant black rock. Something that is relatively sacred should not be renamed to fit the ideologies of persons who do not even believe in them. Of course the argument of separation of Church and State will be used. Unfortunately for those who follow that belief to the extreme; for the entire nation to be completely separate from Church, all leaders would have to be atheist, our entire judicial system would have to be changed, and the entire heritage of the United States would have to be rewritten. Since each have strong ties to religion is some aspect. Any leader who believes in God would in some way have their choices influenced by their belief and thus the separation of church and state could not ensue. Modern Law can trace its beginnings back to the ten commandments, thus separation of Church and State can not be accomplished. Finally the beginnings of our country were founded on religious freedom, not prohibition. The renaming and destruction of religious icon would certainly constitute religious prohibition. It is sad that people will readily allow the prohibition of religion over asinine ideological concerns. So finally I wish the readers a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a happy whatever other celebrations people wish to celebrate!