I have been having some very strange and bad dreams the past couple of days. I have no idea why since usually I have been a hardcore sleeper. My friend who went on a missionary trip to Australia told me about how aborigines find that dreams are very important to ones life. She said that every morning she would spend up to two hours going through every detail of her dreams and search for the deeper meaning. I have always found that to be extremely interesting. In-so-far as my own dreams I wonder about the meaning. Last night I dreamt that I had followed a girl that I have a strong affection for and told her that I loved her. She proceeded to verbally assault me and told me she hated me. Then I found out that she went to some neo-nazi school and then I was sickened and left. I kinda woke up and realized it was 3 in the morning then went back to sleep. The next part of my dream put me into some sort of Party where there were a bunch of skin heads. I realized where I was and was walking away until I noticed that they were beating up some African American guy. I ran to his aid and pushed some of the assholes (white supremacists) off of him and then they grabbed me. They then started to stab me and slash me in my back and stomach. Then they threw me into a parking lot where I was meant to die. I didnt though and managed to crawl to a hospital and barely make it out alive. I woke up again and this time it was about 6 in the morning. I fell back into an uneasy sleep this time on a cruise ship in alaska, I was with some friends and my family but I was also stalking the Skinheads who messed me up. That is about as far as I got before I completely woke up. I dont really know what these dreams mean, so it goes. I am just glad that I am awake...
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