Politics: The Realm of the Modern Barbarians
Reading the New York Times Magazine today and found a funny quote which is interestingly true in my mind. "The Democraric Party is the party of a collection of special interests." - Congressman Christopher Shays. " It's not as if the Republican are impervious to special interest. What about the oul companies?"- Reporter " Yeah, but we don't add up out special interests and then have them define us. When we vote the way some employers want us to vote, that's the way we feel. It's a part of what we believe in."- Congressman Shays. I found this funny and true. Of course there are those of you who would pull a random statement out of a hat to go against this statement. But I find those arguments to be circumstancial and relatively procurred from one or two individuals and not the group. Progressive Conservatism seems to be the best way to go, I find that because it is still improving our society but doing at a slower pace in order for new Ideas to be incorperated into our society freely and not forced upon those who do not wish them. Democrats are too weak as far as I am concerned and will bow down to any special interest or foriegn opinion that comes their way. As well as them subscribing to any new muck-raking ideal that comes around, especially when there is little evidence that supports it. I also dont like how they are the party of the super minority willing to fight for those who are generally the scum of society. Also it seems that they have become anti-religious in some sense and have taken to the ideal that the seperation of church and state should be enforced in extreme, and at the expense of our national tradition (I have a hard time understanding that an individual praying in school should be illegal and that saying the word God is going to bring our society crumbling down)(if you dont like it then dont say it but dont punish those who do). Republicans are too slow and are too devoted to uber conservative Ideals which are not practical for these times. That is why I like my beliefs which is the thought that we should implement new programs and ideals into our society as long as they are well researched and have been proven to be effective and needed. And only if it will benefit all and not super minorites at the expense of the majority.. "If it isnt broken dont fix it"
Progressive Conservativism? And people think ridiculous authenticity makes no sense.
It makes sense in my mind, but then again it is my mind...
If you do not like the words progressive conservatism then call it "Good Politic"
Labels are completely arbitrary. I was trying to nicely say that I couldn't disagree with you more.
Labels are everything, without them you would never know what anything was about unless you took time into reading everything that came your way. Which would result in having you read for eternity while never being able to do anything. Of course I respect your opinion about disageeing with mine because that is what I find to be one of the great things about the country. Unfortunately it seems that virtue seems to be coming to an end. Farenheight 451 comes to mind on that account.
He and I share genes. Can you believe that? Progressive Conservativism? What the hell is that supposed to mean - a conservative that caves in to progressive ideas more quickly than a non-progressive conservative? Name a single piece of groundbreaking legislation that's come from the right - c'mon, ONE!
Homeland security act :) (it is ground breaking though )I am not saying I am a neo con or anything like that, I suppose I lean a bit more to the right then the left, but I do go back and forth on certain issues. You cannot label me into one particular party. I said progCon. Because that is what I am. I like some of the ideas which the left promote, but find that it is economically impractical and will do more harm then good. I find that we have better leadership under the right (not GB though) and that is because the liberals are always squabbling amongst themselves, or making complete asses of themselves (Dean), and that is not the image that I want others to see out nation as. I fear that they are too weak when it comes to foreign policy, rather trying to use a futile attempt at diplomacy and failing miserably (Jimmy Carter with the Iranian hostages). Then attempting to do something about it and in doing something set precedence on a situation by establishing the "if you fuck with me then your fucking dead" policy. Which the left again failed to demonstrate with the Embassy bombings in Africa (I knew people who died in the Kenyan embassy) Clinton didn’t do shit about it and that just strengthens the resolve of terrorists, allowing them to attack larger targets (WTC). So I always like to look at the situations from all sides present and past. You can blame all Americas current problems on the right, but I bet you the majority of the problems were caused by the left and now the right has to clean them up (economy, foreign policy, and social security). Of course the right has done many problems as well, but I think that the left is unable to put forth the best plan and rather jumps into a situation without foresight, then to analyze the situation, make sure that all the bases are covered and then put forth legislation at the right moment. I find that modern politics is too consumed with bureaucratic bullshit on both sides and are unable to get things done. I have been picking on the left now it is time for the right. Neo-cons are mismanaging the situation abroad! They have forsaken our allies ( even though I find that it is interesting that the majority of nations who do not want to help us are the very same nations which we have given the most help, Germany France...) they have gone about the situation in the middle east all wrong. The country right now is split apart politically, national unity is low. (I am not a supporter of G.B. I voted for myself last election). They are also repealing some of the legislation which was ok. This term in my mind has been a black eye for the right. But I do not consider myself to be a partyist. I am a conservative in the sense of the original meaning of the word from out forefathers (little government). Only putting forth legislature which is needed, not which is good for a few but damns the rest. (Tax breaks for rich (con) Repealing prayer in school (Lib)). All this has done is aggravate me, I am wondering what happened to the good leaders of our day, and why we are electing the most popular (G.B. Clinton, Kerry), instead of the best possible (Me )!! And doctor name one thing the left has put forth that didn’t need the rights help to make it work!!
the coventional meaning your looking for w/r/t/ libertarianism is....liberal.
Sorry kiddo!
The emancipation proclumation
womens sufferage
the abolution of seperate but equal
the new deal
...do i need to go on???
the patriot act?!?!? WFT are you on!!!
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by the by, Thomas Jefferson, who was conservative (in the true sense of the word) due to his belief in little government had the Louisiana Purchase considered one of the best moves in American Policy.
and you said groundbreaking not good legislation of which the Patriot act is groundbreaking but not good. Need to specify
sorry DJ old boy, emancipation proclimation was done by Lincoln of the REPUBLICAN party! New deal only worked because both sides agreed and were working together (I am quite proud of that - about 1/2 of the legislation of the new deal was presented by the Republican party, which Roosevelt supported cause he was such a cool guy) Womans sufferage had to be implemented in stages. DJ needs to refresh his history, because the 19th amendment (womans sufferage) was added to the constitution under President HARDING a REPUBLICAN!! make sure you know your history before you quote it!! Again Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (ended seperate but equal) decided on May 17 1954 under President Eisenhower a REPUBLICAN!!! DJ you are supporting my argument!! (read up on you history before you bring that shit in here!! j/k) I love you man but history is my game!!
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