Thursday, May 12, 2005

Purify my Viking soul.

The beach purifys the soul, Surfing yesturday just make me feel even better about living out here instead of back east where my brother is. I look outside my room and dont see one cloud. I am now going to go out on a date and then probably go get some really cheap but great mexican food. The life of a modern viking is good! Not only is it good here but I will be enjoying my summer in D.C. with my brother (only for a few weeks), and then to South Africa. Traveling also purifys the soul, and makes any statement that I make much more legitimate.


Blogger Dr James Orin Incandenza said...

if ya think dc and yer bro are substandard you can sleep in the alley behind my house for the duration of yer stay. shithead

8:02 PM  
Blogger The Kwisatz Haderach said...


8:14 PM  

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